As real-time services are increasingly converging to the IP network, namely voice and video, QoS is becoming even more important to ensure a quality end-user experience. Gigabit and multi-Gigabit (EtherChannel bundle) uplinks are becoming more saturated as users and the businesses increase the need for data-intensive network connectivity. Queue the requirement for QoS!
Unfortunately, between the different Business Units within Cisco that are responsible for the various Catalyst Switch products, there is a decent amount of feature and hardware disparity between them (Catalyst 2960, 3560/3750, 4500, 6500 - and the Nexus lines). QoS configurations between the different products can be very different, which makes understanding QoS in switched environments very cumbersome and easy to forget. This is especially true since there can often be an abundance of bandwidth available in a LAN, and easy for a network engineer/admin to discount the need for QoS.
Network Management tools may suggest to an engineer that a link is not congested, however, these tools rely on SNMP to poll the device for interface stats, taking the delta of the counters to show a rate. Often these tools cannot poll any faster than 30 second intervals, and usually are set to 1-5 minute intervals. This is really an average and doesn't account for spikes in utilization or microbursts. Once these spikes and microbursts of data become too large for the device buffers, packets drop. In the case of real-time traffic, even buffering of the data will cause a degradation of service because buffering this traffic causes delay and jitter.
Fortunately, Cisco has a great design guide for QoS called the "Medianet Campus QoS Design 4.0", also known as the QoS Solution Reference Network Design (SRND) 4.0 guide. Here are the web and PDF links to that document:
There can be a few hiccups when using Auto-QoS, and one of them that I've run into on numerous occasions happens when trying to apply the Auto-QoS generated policies to an EtherChannel interface or physical interfaces linked to it.
The information in this article is in reference to Auto-QoS VoIP for the Cat4500-X.
To enable Auto-QoS on an interface use the following command:
4500X#conf t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. 4500X(config)#int te1/1 4500X(config-if)#auto qos voip trust
Once the above command is applied, IOS automatically generates the following QoS policy (based on SRND 4.0):
ip access-list extended AutoQos-4.0-ACL-Bulk-Data permit tcp any any eq ftp permit tcp any any eq ftp-data permit tcp any any eq 22 permit tcp any any eq smtp permit tcp any any eq 465 permit tcp any any eq 143 permit tcp any any eq 993 permit tcp any any eq pop3 permit tcp any any eq 995 permit tcp any any eq 1914 ip access-list extended AutoQos-4.0-ACL-Default permit ip any any ip access-list extended AutoQos-4.0-ACL-Multimedia-Conf permit udp any any range 16384 32767 ip access-list extended AutoQos-4.0-ACL-Scavenger permit tcp any any eq 1214 permit udp any any eq 1214 permit tcp any any range 2300 2400 permit udp any any range 2300 2400 permit tcp any any eq 3689 permit udp any any eq 3689 permit tcp any any range 6881 6999 permit tcp any any eq 11999 permit tcp any any range 28800 29100 ip access-list extended AutoQos-4.0-ACL-Signaling permit tcp any any range 2000 2002 permit tcp any any range 5060 5061 permit udp any any range 5060 5061 ip access-list extended AutoQos-4.0-ACL-Transactional-Data permit tcp any any eq 443 permit tcp any any eq 1521 permit udp any any eq 1521 permit tcp any any eq 1526 permit udp any any eq 1526 permit tcp any any eq 1575 permit udp any any eq 1575 permit tcp any any eq 1630 permit udp any any eq 1630 class-map match-all AutoQos-4.0-Scavenger-Classify match access-group name AutoQos-4.0-ACL-Scavenger class-map match-all AutoQos-4.0-Signaling-Classify match access-group name AutoQos-4.0-ACL-Signaling class-map match-any AutoQos-4.0-Priority-Queue match cos 5 match dscp ef match dscp cs5 match dscp cs4 class-map match-all AutoQos-4.0-VoIP-Data-Cos match cos 5 class-map match-any AutoQos-4.0-Multimedia-Stream-Queue match dscp af31 match dscp af32 match dscp af33 class-map match-all AutoQos-4.0-Network-Mgmt match dscp cs2 class-map match-all AutoQos-4.0-VoIP-Signal-Cos match cos 3 class-map match-any AutoQos-4.0-Multimedia-Conf-Queue match cos 4 match dscp af41 match dscp af42 match dscp af43 match access-group name AutoQos-4.0-ACL-Multimedia-Conf class-map match-any AutoQos-4.0-Transaction-Data match dscp af21 match dscp af22 match dscp af23 class-map match-all AutoQos-4.0-Network-Ctrl match dscp cs7 class-map match-all AutoQos-4.0-Scavenger match dscp cs1 class-map match-all AutoQos-4.0-Default-Classify match access-group name AutoQos-4.0-ACL-Default class-map match-any AutoQos-4.0-Signaling match dscp cs3 match cos 3 class-map match-any AutoQos-4.0-Bulk-Data-Queue match cos 1 match dscp af11 match dscp af12 match dscp af13 match access-group name AutoQos-4.0-ACL-Bulk-Data class-map match-all AutoQos-4.0-Transaction-Classify match access-group name AutoQos-4.0-ACL-Transactional-Data class-map match-all AutoQos-4.0-Broadcast-Vid match dscp cs5 class-map match-any AutoQos-4.0-Bulk-Data match dscp af11 match dscp af12 match dscp af13 class-map match-any AutoQos-4.0-Scavenger-Queue match dscp cs1 match cos 1 match access-group name AutoQos-4.0-ACL-Scavenger class-map match-any AutoQos-4.0-VoIP match dscp ef match cos 5 class-map match-any AutoQos-4.0-Multimedia-Conf match dscp af41 match dscp af42 match dscp af43 class-map match-any AutoQos-4.0-Control-Mgmt-Queue match cos 3 match dscp cs7 match dscp cs6 match dscp cs3 match dscp cs2 match access-group name AutoQos-4.0-ACL-Signaling class-map match-all AutoQos-4.0-Bulk-Data-Classify match access-group name AutoQos-4.0-ACL-Bulk-Data class-map match-any AutoQos-4.0-Trans-Data-Queue match cos 2 match dscp af21 match dscp af22 match dscp af23 match access-group name AutoQos-4.0-ACL-Transactional-Data class-map match-any AutoQos-4.0-Multimedia-Stream match dscp af31 match dscp af32 match dscp af33 class-map match-any AutoQos-4.0-VoIP-Data match dscp ef match cos 5 class-map match-all AutoQos-4.0-Internetwork-Ctrl match dscp cs6 class-map match-all AutoQos-4.0-Realtime-Interact match dscp cs4 class-map match-all AutoQos-4.0-Multimedia-Conf-Classify match access-group name AutoQos-4.0-ACL-Multimedia-Conf class-map match-any AutoQos-4.0-VoIP-Signal match dscp cs3 match cos 3 ! policy-map AutoQos-4.0-Input-Policy class AutoQos-4.0-VoIP class AutoQos-4.0-Broadcast-Vid class AutoQos-4.0-Realtime-Interact class AutoQos-4.0-Network-Ctrl class AutoQos-4.0-Internetwork-Ctrl class AutoQos-4.0-Signaling class AutoQos-4.0-Network-Mgmt class AutoQos-4.0-Multimedia-Conf class AutoQos-4.0-Multimedia-Stream class AutoQos-4.0-Transaction-Data class AutoQos-4.0-Bulk-Data class AutoQos-4.0-Scavenger policy-map AutoQos-4.0-Output-Policy class AutoQos-4.0-Scavenger-Queue bandwidth remaining percent 1 class AutoQos-4.0-Priority-Queue priority police cir percent 30 bc 33 ms class AutoQos-4.0-Control-Mgmt-Queue bandwidth remaining percent 10 class AutoQos-4.0-Multimedia-Conf-Queue bandwidth remaining percent 10 class AutoQos-4.0-Multimedia-Stream-Queue bandwidth remaining percent 10 class AutoQos-4.0-Trans-Data-Queue bandwidth remaining percent 10 dbl class AutoQos-4.0-Bulk-Data-Queue bandwidth remaining percent 4 dbl class class-default bandwidth remaining percent 25 dbl
The actual interface configuration now shows as:
interface TenGigabitEthernet1/1 auto qos trust service-policy input AutoQos-4.0-Input-Policy service-policy output AutoQos-4.0-Output-Policy
Now let's look at the problems that arise when attempting to configure Auto-QoS for an EtherChannel. The following are the configurations for the 2 physical interfaces with Auto-QoS already applied that we want to bundle into an EtherChannel:
interface TenGigabitEthernet1/15 switchport mode trunk auto qos trust service-policy input AutoQos-4.0-Input-Policy service-policy output AutoQos-4.0-Output-Policy ! interface TenGigabitEthernet1/16 switchport mode trunk auto qos trust service-policy input AutoQos-4.0-Input-Policy service-policy output AutoQos-4.0-Output-Policy
This is what happens when attempting to configure the ports into the EtherChannel:
4500X(config)#int range te1/15-16 4500X(config-if-range)#channel-group 1 mode active % The attached policymap is not suitable for member either due to non-queuing actions or due to type of classmap filters. TenGigabitEthernet1/15 is not added to port channel 1 % Range command terminated because it failed on TenGigabitEthernet1/15 4500X(config-if-range)#
The error that IOS gave us says that either the 'non-queuing actions' or the type of class-map filters that are in the QoS policy-map configuration applied to the interface. And the EtherChannel configuration was not applied because of this error:
4500X(config-if-range)#do sh run | b 1/15 interface TenGigabitEthernet1/15 switchport mode trunk auto qos trust service-policy input AutoQos-4.0-Input-Policy service-policy output AutoQos-4.0-Output-Policy ! interface TenGigabitEthernet1/16 switchport mode trunk auto qos trust service-policy input AutoQos-4.0-Input-Policy service-policy output AutoQos-4.0-Output-Policy
Ok, so what if we just apply the 'auto qos trust voip' command to the Port-Channel interface itself? Maybe that will work (nope):
4500X(config)#int po1 4500X(config-if)#auto ? % Unrecognized command
Damn, that would have been nice Cisco (hint hint). Ok, what happens if we remove the policy-map configurations from the physical interfaces, add them to the EtherChannel, and then reapply the policy-maps to the physical interfaces?
4500X(config-if)# int range te1/15-16 4500X(config-if-range)#auto? % Unrecognized command 4500X(config-if-range)#a? aaa access-expression access-group arp
Still no dice. What if we try to apply the policy-maps to the Port-Channel interface?
4500X(config-if-range)#int po1 4500X(config-if)# service-policy input AutoQos-4.0-Input-Policy 4500X(config-if)# service-policy output AutoQos-4.0-Output-Policy % A service-policy with queuing actions can be attached in output direction only on physical ports. 4500X(config-if)#do sh run int po1 interface Port-channel1 switchport switchport mode trunk service-policy input AutoQos-4.0-Input-Policy end
Ok, so at least something was configured that time. We also received a different error this time, suggesting that the output policy-map has queuing actions, which is only supported on physical ports. Let's try applying only the output policy-map to the physical interfaces, and leave the input policy on the Port-Channel interface:
4500X(config-if)#int range te1/15-16 4500X(config-if-range)#service-policy output AutoQos-4.0-Output-Policy % A service-policy with more than one type of marking field based filters in the class-map is not allowed on the channel member ports.
Yet another error. Fun. Now there appears to be an issue with the ACLs that are applied to the class-map.
So to not drag this troubleshooting scenario out any further, these are the limitations for EtherChannel QoS that you need to work around from the Auto-QoS generated policy:
- Output policing needs to be configured on the Port-Channel interface, and separated from any queuing.
- Output queuing needs to be configured on the physical interfaces.
- The class-maps for the queuing policy-map can only have one type of match statement (i.e. an ACL, or matching on QoS tags) per class-map.
- The policing policy-map cannot use the ‘policing percent’ command.
The following functional QoS policy I adapted for use on EtherChannels I tried to closely match the SRND 4.0 configs (mostly comes from SRND configs):
class-map match-any MULTIMEDIA-STREAMING-QUEUE match dscp af31 af32 af33 class-map match-any CONTROL-MGMT-QUEUE match dscp cs7 match dscp cs6 match dscp cs3 match dscp cs2 class-map match-any TRANSACTIONAL-DATA-QUEUE match dscp af21 af22 af23 class-map match-any SCAVENGER-QUEUE match dscp cs1 class-map match-any MULTIMEDIA-CONFERENCING-QUEUE match dscp af41 af42 af43 class-map match-any BULK-DATA-QUEUE match dscp af11 af12 af13 class-map match-any PRIORITY-QUEUE match dscp ef match dscp cs5 match dscp cs4 ! The police percentage for the default Auto-QoS Output policy is set to 30%, however, in this scenario with the 4500-X and 10Gig interfaces, there isn't a need for 7Gig allocated for voice and video traffic. The example below of 2Gig is 10% of the EtherChannel aggregate bandwidth (20G). Adjust accordingly for your needs. policy-map OUTPUT-PRIORITY-POLICING-EC class PRIORITY-QUEUE police cir 2000000000 policy-map OUTPUT-QUEUING-NOPOLICING-EC class PRIORITY-QUEUE priority class CONTROL-MGMT-QUEUE bandwidth remaining percent 10 class MULTIMEDIA-CONFERENCING-QUEUE bandwidth remaining percent 10 class MULTIMEDIA-STREAMING-QUEUE bandwidth remaining percent 10 class TRANSACTIONAL-DATA-QUEUE bandwidth remaining percent 10 dbl class BULK-DATA-QUEUE bandwidth remaining percent 4 dbl class SCAVENGER-QUEUE bandwidth remaining percent 1 class class-default bandwidth remaining percent 25 dbl interface Port-channel1 switchport switchport mode trunk service-policy input AutoQos-4.0-Input-Policy service-policy output OUTPUT-PRIORITY-POLICING-EC interface TenGigabitEthernet1/15 switchport mode trunk channel-group 1 mode active service-policy output OUTPUT-QUEUING-NOPOLICING-EC ! interface TenGigabitEthernet1/16 switchport mode trunk channel-group 1 mode active service-policy output OUTPUT-QUEUING-NOPOLICING-EC
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